
School activities


Magnetic fields lend themselves to many interesting experimentations.
A nice project for high-school, involving magnetism, electronics and programming, is the construction of a device to replicate the concept of Ferraris, in an arrangement that makes it visible.
Here the magnetic poles generated by coils can be identified by colors. The resulting magnetic field is detected by a compass . Current in the two coils is made proportional to sin(angle) and cos(angle), where the "angle" is the parameterr controlled via potentiometer and switch to set either speed or position. An OLED display shows the vectorial sum oft the two fields, in real time.

Speed Control
Position Control

Main Components:
  • 2 copper coils
  • Arduino Uno Board
  • Driver L298N
  • Oled Display
  • Potentiometer
  • Switch
  • High Luminosity Leds
  • Compass